Sale 2484 - Vintage Posters, August 1, 2018

DESIGNER UNKNOWN 262 c “CUSTER’S LAST FIGHT.” 1912. 79 1 / 2 x40 inches, 202x101 1 / 2 cm. The Otis Lithograph Co., Chicago. Condition A: creases and restoration along vertical and horizontal folds. Two-sheets. [800/1,200] DESIGNER UNKNOWN 263 c SNÖVIT / PERSIL - VITT. Circa 1940. 39 1 / 4 x27 3 / 4 inches, 99 3 / 4 x70 1 / 2 cm. J. Olsén, Stockholm. Condition A / A-: minor repaired tears and overpainting in margins. [800/1,200] DESIGNER UNKNOWN 264 c JAMES BOND / DR. NO. 1980. 40 3 / 4 x27 inches, 103 1 / 2 x68 1 / 2 cm. United Artists Corporation. Condition A / A-: minor creases and abrasions along vertical and horizontal folds. Paper. MGM/UA reprinted a number of nearly identical posters of previously released James Bond film posters for a film festival in 1980. This is the 1980 printing of the original 1962 poster. [400/600] 263 264