Sale 2510 - Graphic Design, May 23, 2019

B I B L I O G R A P H Y Huhne: AirlineVisual Identity 1945-1975, by M.C. Hühne. Callisto Publishers, Berlin, 2015. Images of an Era: Images of an Era:The American Poster 1945-75. National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian,Washington D.C., 1975. Internationale Plakate: Internationale Plakate 1871-1971 . Edited by Heinz Spielmann. Catalogue of the exhibition in Munich. Hans der Kunst, Munich, 1971. International Poster Annual 1948-49: International Poster Annual ’48-49 . Edited byW.H.Allner. Zollikofer, St. Gall, 1949. IWM I: FirstWorldWar Posters , by Joseph Darracott and Belinda Loftus. Catalogue of the collection of the ImperialWar Museum, London.The Curwen Press, London, 1972. Kauffer: E. McKnight Kauffer , by Marc Haworth-Booth. Gordon Fraser, London, 1979. Kunst: Kunst! Kommerz! Visionen!: Deutsche Plakate, 1888-1933 . Catalogue of the exhibition at Deutsches Historisches Museum. Editions Braus, Berlin, 1992. Kunstler Plakate: Kunstlerplakate: Picasso /Warhol / Beuys , by Jürgen Döring. Umschau Buchverlag, Neustadt, 1998. Lichtenstein Posters: Lichtenstein Posters , by Jürgen Döring and Claus von der Osten. PrestelVerlag, 2009. Loupot : Loupot / L’Art de l’Affiche , by Christophe Zagrodzki. Le Cherche-Midi, Paris, 1998. Loupot / Forney: Loupot, Peintre en Affiche. Catalogue of the exhibition at the Bibliothèque Forney, Paris, 2018. Loupot / Musee de l’Affiche: Charles Loupot. Catalogue of the exhibition at the Musée de l’Affiche, Paris, 1979. Loupot Peintres: Loupot Peintre d’Affiches . Catalogue from the Musée de l’Imprimerie et de la Communication Graphique, Lyon, 2016. Magic of Things: Poster Collection:The Magic of Things, edited by Bettina Richter. Museum Für Gestaltung Zürich. Lars Müller Publishers, Zurich, 2012. Maitres: Les Maîtres de L’Affiche: 1896-1900 , by Roger Marx. Reprinted as Masters of the Poster 1896- 1900 , Images Graphique, NewYork, 1977, and The Complete Masters of the Poster, Dover Publications, NewYork, 1990. Mangold: Burkhard Mangold (1873-1950) . Catalogue of the exhibition at the Kunstgewerbemuseum, Zürich, 1984. Manifesta: Italia Manifesta , by Paola Lodola. Grafica & Arte, Bergamo, 2003. Manifesti Italiani: Dall’Art Nouveau al Futurismo 1895-1940 , by Gimpiero Mughini and Maurizio Scudiero. Publicity and Print Organization, NewYork, 1997. Mascha: Österreichische Plakatkunst , by Ottakar Mascha. J. Löwy,Vienna, Circa 1914. Mechanical Age: Graphic Design in the Mechanical Age: Selections from the Merrill C. Berman Collection , by Deborah Rothschild, et al. Catalogue for the exhibition at theWilliams College Museum of Art.Yale University Press, New Haven, 1998. Metiers: Arts et Métiers Graphiques .Arts et Métiers Graphiques, Paris. Metzl: The Poster: Its History and Its Art , by Ervine Metzl.Watson-Guptill Publications, NewYork, 1963. Miroir: Miroir duTemps . Catalogue of the exhibition at the Foundation Neumann, Gingins, 1995.