Sale 2563 - Lot 20
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Sale 2563 - Lot 20
Estimate: $ 4,000 - $ 6,000
Brant, Sebastian (1458-1521)
Expositiones Omnium Titulorum Legalium.
Basel: Michael Furter, for Andreas Helmut, 1 October 1490; [bound with] II: Margarita Decretaliu[m], ed. Brant, [Basel: Nicolaus Kessler, 1496/1497], with Kessler's woodcut device on final leaf; [and] III: Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum ad Venerabilem Virum, false imprint: Venice: Aldi Minutii, ie. [Nuremberg: F. Peypus, 1516], all three titles quarto, bound in mid-16th century alum-tawed blind-tooled calf over boards, rolled floral tool in outer panels and the seven virtues in inner panels, lacking leather ties, contents good, ex libris several mid-16th century owners, including Zacharias Hyso 1556, with inscriptions inside the front board; contents good, 8 x 6 in.
Although better known as the author of the satirical Ship of Fools, Brant made important contributions to civil and canon law. The first two works were published during his lifetime in the city that he called home.
I: Goff B1078; HC 3725*; Pell 2815; Walsh 1242; Pr 7721; BMC III 781; BSB-Ink B-814; GW 5070; ISTC ib01078000; II: GW M20971; Van der Haegen I: 18,40; Goff M264; H 10756*; Pellechet Ms 7649 (7554); CIBN M-133; Aquilon 459; IBE 3826; IGI VI 589A; IDL 3101; IBP 3602; Sajó-Soltész 2182; Collijn, Uppsala 1009; Voulliéme, Berlin 548.8; Borm 1779; Hubay, Augsburg 1364; Sheppard 2492; Proctor 7703; BMC III 774; BSB-Ink A-549; Kaufmann-Nabholz 570; ÖNB-Ink A-313; ISTC im00264000; III: Adams E-284.
Expositiones Omnium Titulorum Legalium.
Basel: Michael Furter, for Andreas Helmut, 1 October 1490; [bound with] II: Margarita Decretaliu[m], ed. Brant, [Basel: Nicolaus Kessler, 1496/1497], with Kessler's woodcut device on final leaf; [and] III: Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum ad Venerabilem Virum, false imprint: Venice: Aldi Minutii, ie. [Nuremberg: F. Peypus, 1516], all three titles quarto, bound in mid-16th century alum-tawed blind-tooled calf over boards, rolled floral tool in outer panels and the seven virtues in inner panels, lacking leather ties, contents good, ex libris several mid-16th century owners, including Zacharias Hyso 1556, with inscriptions inside the front board; contents good, 8 x 6 in.
Although better known as the author of the satirical Ship of Fools, Brant made important contributions to civil and canon law. The first two works were published during his lifetime in the city that he called home.
I: Goff B1078; HC 3725*; Pell 2815; Walsh 1242; Pr 7721; BMC III 781; BSB-Ink B-814; GW 5070; ISTC ib01078000; II: GW M20971; Van der Haegen I: 18,40; Goff M264; H 10756*; Pellechet Ms 7649 (7554); CIBN M-133; Aquilon 459; IBE 3826; IGI VI 589A; IDL 3101; IBP 3602; Sajó-Soltész 2182; Collijn, Uppsala 1009; Voulliéme, Berlin 548.8; Borm 1779; Hubay, Augsburg 1364; Sheppard 2492; Proctor 7703; BMC III 774; BSB-Ink A-549; Kaufmann-Nabholz 570; ÖNB-Ink A-313; ISTC im00264000; III: Adams E-284.