Sale 2563 - Lot 35
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Sale 2563 - Lot 35
Estimate: $ 300 - $ 400
Day, Joseph (fl. circa 1795)
An Address to the Attorneys at Law and Solicitors Practising in Great Britain.
London; Printed for and Sold only by the Author, 1796.
First edition, octavo, rare, only one copy listed in ESTC worldwide (John Rylands Library, Manchester); [bound with] Charles Martyn's Considerations on the Qualifications, Clerkships, Admissions, and Practice of Attorneys, London: for T. Whieldon, 1790, author's presentation copy; some signatures of the first title browned and speckled, the two bound together in contemporary or near-contemporary half-leather and marbled paper boards, both boards detached; ex libris Simon le Blanc (likely the English jurist, c. 1748-1816), with engraved armorial bookplate inside front board; 8 1/4 x 5 in.
The first work, a rare self-published tract by Day, is concerned with his attempt to charter a professional society for lawyers called the London Law Club. "It appeared to me that the profession could by no other means attain the high degree of respectability, esteem, and confidence so extremely desired than by forming the institution under the immediate auspices of the heads of the law." (pp. 33-34) See also Christopher W. Brooks, Lawyers, Litigation and English Society Since 1450, London; Hambledon Press, 1998, pp. 156-158.
I: ESTC T187775; II: ESTC N27317, also rare, ESTC lists two copies worldwide, both at Harvard.
An Address to the Attorneys at Law and Solicitors Practising in Great Britain.
London; Printed for and Sold only by the Author, 1796.
First edition, octavo, rare, only one copy listed in ESTC worldwide (John Rylands Library, Manchester); [bound with] Charles Martyn's Considerations on the Qualifications, Clerkships, Admissions, and Practice of Attorneys, London: for T. Whieldon, 1790, author's presentation copy; some signatures of the first title browned and speckled, the two bound together in contemporary or near-contemporary half-leather and marbled paper boards, both boards detached; ex libris Simon le Blanc (likely the English jurist, c. 1748-1816), with engraved armorial bookplate inside front board; 8 1/4 x 5 in.
The first work, a rare self-published tract by Day, is concerned with his attempt to charter a professional society for lawyers called the London Law Club. "It appeared to me that the profession could by no other means attain the high degree of respectability, esteem, and confidence so extremely desired than by forming the institution under the immediate auspices of the heads of the law." (pp. 33-34) See also Christopher W. Brooks, Lawyers, Litigation and English Society Since 1450, London; Hambledon Press, 1998, pp. 156-158.
I: ESTC T187775; II: ESTC N27317, also rare, ESTC lists two copies worldwide, both at Harvard.