Early Printed Books: Part I of the Ken Rapoport Collection The May 5, 2022 sale of Early Printed Books features the first part of the complete library of bibliophile Ken Rapoport. Below are some of the highlights from the selection. Ken Rapoport Collection Lots 66 – 142 English Literature At auction May 5: From left to right: William Shakespeare, Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, second impression, London, 1632. Estimate $100,000 to $150,000; Geoffrey Chaucer, The Woorkes, London, 1561. Estimate $8,000 to $10,000; William Wycherly, Miscellany Poems: as Satyrs, Epistles, Love-Verses, Songs, Sonnets, &c, first edition, London, 1704. Estimate $4,000 to $6,000. At auction May 5: Sammelband of three works by Edmund Spenser. From left to right: The Shepheards Calendar, London, 1591; The Faerie Queene, London, 1596; Colin Clouts Come Home Againe, London, 1595. Estimate $16,000 to $24,000. Spanish Literature At auction May 5: From left to right: Miguel de Cervantes, El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, first Valencia edition, Valencia, 1605. Estimate $80,000 to $100,000; Alonso de Ercilla y Zúñiga, Primera, Segunda, y Tercera Partes de la Araucana, first collected edition, Madrid, 1590. Estimate $10,000 to $15,000. Additional Highlights At auction May 5: The Whole Works of Homer; Prince of Poetts in his Iliads, and Odysses. Translated according to the Greeke, translated by George Chapman, London, 1634. Estimate $10,000 to $15,000. At auction May 5: From left to right: Lancelot du Lac, Le Premier Volume de Lancelot du Lac Nouvelleme[n]t Imprimé à Paris, Paris, 1533. Estimate $15,000 to $20,000; Virgil, The xiii. Bukes of Eneados of the Famose Poete Virgill Translatet out of Latyne verses into Scottish metir, translated by Gawin Douglas, first edition, London, 1553. Estimate $15,000 to $20,000. Share Facebook Twitter May 3, 2022Author: Kelsie JankowskiCategory: Early Printed Books Tags: Alonso de Ercilla y Zúñiga Early Printed Books edmund spenser English Literature Geoffrey Chaucer Ken Rapoport Collection Lancelot du Lac Miguel de Cervantes Spanish Literature Virgil William Shakespeare William Wycherly Previous Collector’s Guide: West Coast Artists Next Focus On Women: June 2, 2022 Auction Highlights Recommended Posts Records & Results: Early Printed Books Books & Manuscripts March 12, 2018 Why do old books use F’s instead of S’s? Early Printed Books April 9, 2020 Auctions 101: Consigning Your Rare Book Collection At Auction Books & Manuscripts January 21, 2025