“None Found… Yet.” Rare Items from our June 2021 Auction of Maps & Atlases When we’re cataloging and come across a certain item that seems unusual and not readily found in auction database records, dealer catalog listings, or sometimes even standard reference books, it’s a good practice to consult institution and library holdings. OCLC First Search and its WorldCat services are an online cooperative gathering the searchable catalogs of over 15,000 international libraries. It is an invaluable resource for doing this kind of research, but it’s also a great tool if you want to find a book to borrow. A search for the 2006 Penguin edition of Jack Kerouac’s Dharma Bums with the anthropomorphic cover by Norwegian artist Jason returns 506 results. Go get one. But what makes it fun for us when cataloging such an item is when that number gets smaller and smaller, down to less than five, and you start to realize what’s sitting on your desk truly is rare. Sometimes that number is zero, and it’s a Kirk Gibson arm-pumping kind of moment. Readers of our catalogs will find an occasional note along the lines of “OCLC locates [x] examples”; and that’s simply an expression of the item’s rarity, not perceived, but proven by fact. I’ve heard it said that labeling something rare is the recourse of the uneducated dealer. True in a sense that it shouldn’t be the only aspect about the item to massage someone’s interests—we’re all attracted to that word—and when you find an object exists in only two or three examples according to a database that searches virtually every library in the world… what can you say, it’s exciting. I was lucky enough to have that smile put on my face quite a few times when writing the June 3, 2021 sale, and here are some of the items that fit the bill: A fine book of Russian vernacular chromolithographs with an interesting provenance — 1 copy, at Yale. Album of Russian Life and Nature in Pictures in Watercolors Peinted [sic] by the Russian Artist N.N. Karazin, 1892. Estimate $1,500 to $2,500. A French folio book on penmanship, signed with a flourish by the author — 3 copies (though none autographed). François Nicolas Bédigis, l’Art d’Ecrire, Demontre par des Principes Appofonid, et Developpes dans Toute Leur Etendue, Paris, 1768. Estimate $500 to $600. Large oblong stylized lithographs illustrating scenes from Virgil’s Aeneid — 4 copies. Luigi Ademollo, Énéide Dessins Bas-Reliefs au Trait, Paris 1830. Estimate $400 to $600. A finely detailed plan of London’s first commercial ship docks — 1 copy. Ralph Walker, Plan of the West India Docks &c., London, 1802. Estimate $400 to $600. John Melish’s map of northern Europe during the Napoleonic Wars — NO copies. John Melish & Henry Schenck Tanner, Seat of War in Europe, Philadelphia, circa 1813. Estimate $500 to $750. A conglomerate of American Midwestern railroad lines in 1855 — NO copies. W.G. Wheaton, Map of the Rock Islands and Peoria Railroad Showing Its Connections with Other Railroads, Peoria and Chicago, circa 1855. Estimate $400 to $600. A fabulous large pictorial map of Dublin, Ireland — 1 copy. D. Edward Heffernan, Dublin in 1861, Dublin, 1861. Estimate $1,500 to $2,000. An impressive pair of mid-20th century data visualization maps of the American real estate market — no more than 3 copies of each individual map, and only 1 library with the pair. Roy Wenzlick & Co, A Century of Real Estate Trends and Basic Barometers of Real Estate Trends, St. Louis, 1951 & 1952. Estimate $400 to $600. A striking birds-eye-view plan of the grounds of a turn of the 20th-century trade exposition in Charleston, South Carolina — 1 copy. Bradford L. Gilbert, South Carolina Inter-State and West Indian Exposition, Charleston, S.C., Dec. 1, 1901 to June 1, 1902, New York, 1900. Estimate $1,000 to $1,500. 1880’s copper mining districts in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula — 4 copies. Luther G. Emerson, Topographical Map of the Portage Lake Mining District, Handock, MI, 1888. Estimate $400 to $600. 1852 real estate map of the layout of Mankato, Minnesota — 2 copies. Simeon P. Folsom, Mankato, New York, circa 1852. Estimate $300 to $400. Detailed map of Montana Territory, published six years before statehood — NO copies. Rand, McNally & Co.’s INdexed County and Township Map of Montana…, Chicago, 1883. Estimate $500 to $750. So, do all of these items have so much more going for them than their rarity? Of course they do… but it’s not a bad thing to note that you could be buying the third, fourth, or first copy located outside of the world’s largest institutional inventorying system for this kind of material. And most of them aren’t even on the expensive end! Browse the Complete Catalogue Do you have any rare maps and atlases we should take a look at? Learn about how to consign to an auction, and send us a note about your item. Share Facebook Twitter May 28, 2021Author: Caleb KifferCategory: Maps & Atlases Tags: Maps & Atlases Previous Fine Books & Autographs: June 17, 2021 Auction Highlights Next Illustration Art: June 24, 2021 Auction Highlights Recommended Posts This Season’s Successes: Winter-Spring 2024 Auctions in Review 19th & 20th Century Literature July 15, 2024 Auction Highlights: Maps & Atlases, Natural History & Color Plate Books — June 13, 2024 Maps & Atlases May 17, 2024 Records & Results: Maps & Atlases, Natural History & Color Plate Books Maps & Atlases December 17, 2018