Sale 2563 - Lot 116
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Sale 2563 - Lot 116
Estimate: $ 700 - $ 900
Sammelband of Five Works, 1599-1606.
Including: Aubert Le Mire's (1573-1640) Origines Coenobiorum Benedictinorum in Belgio, Antwerp: H. Verdussen, 1606; Le Mire's Elenchus Historicorum Belgii, nondum Typis Editorum, Antwerp: H. Verdussen, 1606; Erycius Puteanus's (1574-1646) De Erycio Nomine Syntagma. Item Iuli Paridis de Nominibus Epitome, Hanau: C. de Marne & Heirs of J. Aubry at the Wechel Press, 1606; Jean Cousin's De Prosperitate et exitio Salominis, Douai: J. Bogard, 1599; [and] Didier Herauld's (1575-1649) Adversariorum Libri Duo, Paris: J. Perier, 1599; five octavo titles bound in one volume, in contemporary speckled sheepskin with gilt spine and label, ex libris Nord Kirchern Library with bookplate pasted inside front board, binding slightly rubbed, generally very good, 6 1/2 x 4 in.
This interesting sammelband contains five rare works, all first editions, on philological and theological subjects by living Flemish and French scholars. Le Mire writes on the origin and history of the Benedictine order, attacking the Reformation. His second title is a catalogue of unpublished manuscripts held by ecclesiastical institutions, written with an aim to have said manuscripts published. Puteanus, a pupil of Lipsius, does a deep dive into the etymology of his own first name, Eric, and includes some personal autobiographical details. Belgian historian and canon of the Tournai cathedral, Cognatus [aka Jean Cousin] writes a dissertation on King Solomon. Finally, professor of law and Greek Herauld goes with the classics, commenting on Diogenes Laertius, Herodotus, Pindar, Plautus, Aristotle, Cicero and Juvenal. He then shares his extensive critique of the recently published [Heidelberg, 1598] editio princeps of Iamblichus's Life of Pythagoras.
I) Matagne, Répertoire des Ouvrages du XVIIe siècle, L-141; not in Simoni; II) & II) not in Simoni; III. Bibliotheca Belgica IV, p. 762; not in Paisey; IV) Cioranescu 22407; Répertoire Bibliographique II (Douia) p. 350, no. 291; V) Adams H-291.
Including: Aubert Le Mire's (1573-1640) Origines Coenobiorum Benedictinorum in Belgio, Antwerp: H. Verdussen, 1606; Le Mire's Elenchus Historicorum Belgii, nondum Typis Editorum, Antwerp: H. Verdussen, 1606; Erycius Puteanus's (1574-1646) De Erycio Nomine Syntagma. Item Iuli Paridis de Nominibus Epitome, Hanau: C. de Marne & Heirs of J. Aubry at the Wechel Press, 1606; Jean Cousin's De Prosperitate et exitio Salominis, Douai: J. Bogard, 1599; [and] Didier Herauld's (1575-1649) Adversariorum Libri Duo, Paris: J. Perier, 1599; five octavo titles bound in one volume, in contemporary speckled sheepskin with gilt spine and label, ex libris Nord Kirchern Library with bookplate pasted inside front board, binding slightly rubbed, generally very good, 6 1/2 x 4 in.
This interesting sammelband contains five rare works, all first editions, on philological and theological subjects by living Flemish and French scholars. Le Mire writes on the origin and history of the Benedictine order, attacking the Reformation. His second title is a catalogue of unpublished manuscripts held by ecclesiastical institutions, written with an aim to have said manuscripts published. Puteanus, a pupil of Lipsius, does a deep dive into the etymology of his own first name, Eric, and includes some personal autobiographical details. Belgian historian and canon of the Tournai cathedral, Cognatus [aka Jean Cousin] writes a dissertation on King Solomon. Finally, professor of law and Greek Herauld goes with the classics, commenting on Diogenes Laertius, Herodotus, Pindar, Plautus, Aristotle, Cicero and Juvenal. He then shares his extensive critique of the recently published [Heidelberg, 1598] editio princeps of Iamblichus's Life of Pythagoras.
I) Matagne, Répertoire des Ouvrages du XVIIe siècle, L-141; not in Simoni; II) & II) not in Simoni; III. Bibliotheca Belgica IV, p. 762; not in Paisey; IV) Cioranescu 22407; Répertoire Bibliographique II (Douia) p. 350, no. 291; V) Adams H-291.