A Look Inside the Catalogue: Printed & Manuscript Americana Our April 12 auction of Printed & Manuscript Americana illustrates the multifaceted tapestry of American history, featuring a cypress twig cut by General Lafayette at George Washington’s tomb, attractively framed in the early nineteenth century and with remarkable provenance tracing through Lafayette’s great-great grandson. Latin Americana includes significant early Mexican printing, with several books published before 1600. Alonso de la Vera Cruz’s Dialectica resolutio cum textu Aristotelis, 1554, is the first printing of Aristotle—or any classical author—in the New World. Additional early highlights include a rare Pony Express Bible and an 1871 Colorado diary documenting a sheep drive. Sixteen binders of photographs of John F. Kennedy from the estate of his official photographer Cecil Stoughton bring the sale closer to the present day. Alonso de la Veracruz, Recognitio summularum & Dialectica resolutio cum textu Aristotelis, first editions, bound together, Mexico, 1554. Estimate $40,000 to $60,000. First printed account of the assassination of Joseph & Hyrum Smith in the Nauvoo Neighbor Extra, Illinois, 1844. Estimate $50,000 to $70,000. Pony Express Bible, issued to employees of Russell, Majors & Waddell, inscribed, New York, 1858. Estimate $7,000 to $10,000. Alexander Hamilton, Observations of Certain Documents…, unauthorized second edition detailing his affair with Maria Reynolds, Philadelphia, 1800. Estimate $10,000 to $15,000. Cecil W. Stoughton, 16 albums of photographs taken as JFK’s official photographer, 1962-63. Estimate $5,000 to $7,500. For more information on the sale contact a specialist in the Printed & Manuscript Americana department. Consign with Swann Get the Semimonthly Newsletter Share Facebook Twitter January 30, 2018Author: Swann CommunicationsCategory: Printed & Manuscript Americana Tags: Alexander Hamilton Alonso de la Vera Cruz Americana Cecil W. Stoughton General Lafayette George Washington Hyrum Smith Jackie Kennedy John F. Kennedy Joseph Smith Latin America latin americana Mormons Pony Express Printed & Manuscript Americana Previous A Look Inside the Catalogue: African-American Fine Art Next A Look Inside the Catalogue: Maps & Atlases, Natural History & Color Plate Books Recommended Posts Rick Stattler’s Specialist Picks: Two Unique Items from the April 7, 2022, Americana Auction Printed & Manuscript Americana April 1, 2022 Fine Books & Autographs: March 2, 2023 Auction Highlights Fine Books & Manuscripts February 7, 2023 John Augustine Washington III & Mount Vernon Printed & Manuscript African Americana March 27, 2017